The story of Royal Bakers begins in Stuttgart, Germany with a man named Israfil Miah, known to the world simply as “Max.” Max spent his time from 1979 to 1983 working at various bakeries throughout the city, learning the trade inside out. At the end of his time there, he felt that he needed to supplement his hands-on experience with theoretical knowledge of the baking process.

Max made his way to the San Francisco Baking Institute to take artisan baking courses. Still hungry to learn, he enrolled in Kansas State University’s “Techniques of French Bread” continuing education program, taught by the renowned Raymond Calvel. Inspired by Professor Calvel’s knowledge and experiences baking in Paris, Max set out to work for a top bakery in the United States. After working for several smaller bakeries in New York, he found the opportunity to work as a Product Manager at Tribeca Oven Inc. His time there gave him the invaluable hands-on experience of both creating artisan bread and managing others to do the same.

After 23 years of continuous learning and hard work, Max felt that it was time to fulfill his lifelong dream of owning a business. He set out to build a wholesale artisan bakery of his own and thus Royal Bakers was born in 2009. Through a combination of long hours and fiery passion, Royal Bakers has become a well-known, Kosher, OU supervised wholesaler in the tristate area and continues to grow at an incredible pace, serving several renowned distributors & restaurants.


Royal Bakers is always looking for new wholesale opportunities with distributors and restaurant chains. Please feel free to contact us at or 718-805-3000.

Freshly Baked Everyday

Walnut Cranberry
Walnut Cranberry 1lb

Walnut Cranberry

Multigrain 5lb


Rosemary 3lb


Sourdough 1lb
